Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I want to cry....

I thought Quinn should have a real hair cut for my sister's wedding. We leave this afternoon for Alabama so it needed to happen today. I took him to a great salon but unfortunately the hair stylist and I had a huge miscommunication. She apparently didn't understand the phrase "keep the length, just shape it better and trim the ends." Her first cut took off 4" and there was no going back. He looks so different- like a big boy. Sigh. I've very sad but know that his hair will grow back out before we know it. At least I hope so!!! The good news is that no one will mistake him for a girl in the South like last time!

Quinn was a champ the whole time! His before hair- so cute. Sniffle sniffle.


the o's said...

awww ang i love his cut but i know what you mean about him looking like a big boy now! how did he grow up so fast?! have a GREAT trip and congrats to your sis!!

Heidiblossom said...

whoa quinn! man I just HATE it when they butcher your hair against your wishes... but on the bright side quinn is just as cute as ever!