Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Day

This has been a busy, productive morning so I thought I'd continue the productivity with a long overdue blog post! We've spent a lot of time in the back yard enjoying this gorgeous spring day.

Jack enjoyed being outside too. 

Garlic sprouting in the garden!

These are Quinn's hyacinths. They were leftovers from his baby shower five years ago! I love it when they come up every year. 

After taking pictures and playing for a bit, I went back inside to work on lunch. It's so nice to have the boys at a place where I feel comfortable letting them play in the back yard while I'm inside. Here's what I made for lunch...
And a final picture of Nolan trying to keep his diaper on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nothing like a beautiful spring day in the PNW. Miss it! Lunch looks edible :) and the boys' hair cuts show their handsome faces. Just a beaming Grama here!!!