Tuesday, November 8, 2011


While the boys and I were in Huntsville last week for our likely final Alabama visit, we hit the parks we'd miss the most. Within 2 minutes of being at a great one with a huge wooden castle, Nolan slipped on the trex decking and fell flat on his face. A fat lip and bloody mouth didn't hinder him for long! One of his teeth seemed loose and it hurt to brush and floss in that area.

Fast forward a few days and it started bleeding again. So last Thursday morning he had a (slightly) emergency dentist appt. The dentist determined that his tooth needed to be extracted. He was very brave and seemed to take it all in stride. No tears, no drama. Awesome! Nolan will have a less toothy grin for the next 4 or so years until his adult tooth grows in.

Later that afternoon he got in a scuffle with a 3 1/2 year old on the playground and walked away with a chomped cheek, teeth marks included. Luckily the skin wasn't broken!

So the third thing to happen is that Quinn ran into a pole on the playground after school today. He was playing running games with 2 friends, looked back behind him, then turned his head forward just in time to run smack into a pole. It was like a cartoon where the character goes flat on their back with birds above their head. But not funny. He was in shock and pain. I was also in shock because a HUGE goose egg immediately formed on his eyebrow. I thought his skull was cracked and called Rich to have him pick us up and take Quinn to the doctor right away. Meanwhile, Quinn is crying and hears me say "doctor" and begins to cry harded. Thankfully, other moms on the playground rallied around us and were trying to figure out how to get us either home (needed carseats) or to the doctor. Then a few of them said it had happened to their kids and looks terrible but the bump goes down, followed by a black eye. Phew. We did call the doctor to be sure there wasn't anything to worry about. Just keeping an eye on him for the next few days. I'm not sure what we'll find when he wakes up in the morning. Poor guy.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Oh, my... it's so much, that one almost can't help but laugh. Y'all have got some seriously rough-n-tumble little dudes! :)