Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Giddy Up

Nolan had his first outing yesterday, to an appt at Winni's office. He's doing very well- now 9 lbs! Since he's past his birth weight, I can let him self-regulate with feedings a bit and let him sleep at night if he so chooses. Since he's been hard to wake up for night feedings, he just might decide to skip a few. We're loving having a "sleeper" for the time being. Nolan's hair looks much redder in these pictures than in person :).

After dropping us off, Quinn broke into heavy tears because Nolan wasn't next to him in the car anymore and even said he didn't want to go swimming. He LOVES swimming but maybe not as much as he loves his little brother. Below is a picture of Quinn and his favorite peep, Oliver. And one of Quinn fishing with Grammee.
Jack gets excited every time I put Nolan in the eden carrier because he associates it with walks. Sorry, buddy, can't go for walks for another week or so. So far he hasn't seemed too depressed to have another little one in the house!

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