Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nolan Brett Taylor

Nolan Brett Taylor was born Tuesday, February 24th at 5:18am. He is a big boy at 8lbs 14oz and 22 1/4 inches! Much larger than expected!

Contractions started around 11pm on Monday night and I was able to rest through them until 3am. I woke Rich saying my contractions were about 8 minutes apart and we called Winni, our midwife. After hearing me breathe through a contraction, she thought it best we get ready to head to the birth center. She said she'd call when she was 15 minutes out. I really wanted to walk to the center so we headed out around 3:45, stopping every block for a contraction. I'll never forget standing in the middle of Cornwall Ave at 4am having a contraction!

As soon as we got to the birth center, my water broke during the next contraction. Labor really picked up from there! We got settled into a room a little after 4am and Nolan was born about an hour later. All went well with the delivery- no trips to the hospital this time :). Both Winni and the assistant midwife, Eloisa, were excellent. It was very unreal to go through labor so fast but I'm very glad it wasn't a drawn-out affair!

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